Saturday, October 23, 2010

Orca: The Killer Whale Niche

Orca (Orcinus orca), more commonly called the killer whale, is the largest member of the dolphin family.  They live in groups called pods, usually led by a matriarch, and are found in all the worlds oceans from Arctic and Antarctic regions to tropical seas.  Orcas feed on a wide variety of prey items from bite-sized fish to marine mammals as large as gray whales.  There is even recent footage of an Orca killing a great white shark of the California coast.  Orca tend to exploit the most abundant prey in their habitat and develope specific strategies for catching it.  Killer whales visiting a seal colony in Pategonia actually beach themselves in order to catch seals pups.  Others hunt cooperatively to prey on sardines and salmon.  Their behaviors are taught to their young, creating a killer culture unique to each pod.

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